Monday, December 21, 2015

Nakamura Sensei on Japanese TV

I really wish there were more videos like this. This is Nakamura Sensei on a Japanese TV show called "Ringu." This is the only video that I could find where he gives an interview. I could understand none of it except for the portion about how at one time he cured his own throat cancer by grilling his tumor with white-hot metal wire and gargling with a shot of whiskey. The doctor told him that the surgery could take away his voice, and he didn't want that to happen lest he not be able to teach again. You can tell that he does have raspy voice, likely as a result of that self-surgery. I can't conceive of how tough you have to be to do something like that. He said casually that either he had to kill the tumor or that it would kill him, and that he could not ignore a visible enemy (the tumor had grown large enough to be seen with his own eyes).

Luckily, there's also his famous breaking demo toward the end of the video. It's amazing how fast his hands are; it's almost like from another world. It's at a different level from just fast-enough-to-hurt-someone fast. When he does his prep move, right before the first break, his hand literally disappears.

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